Prague Shakepseare Festival 2011 Auditions, October 10th

The Prague Shakespeare Festival, Guy Roberts Artistic Director, will be holding open call auditions on Sunday October 10th 2010 at the Prague Film School Attic Studio from 13:00 – 16:30 and also on Monday October 11th 2010 at the Prague Film School Acting Studio from 17:00 – 20:00 for PSF’s rotating repertory productions of As You Like It and King Lear playing April 14 – May 1, 2011 in Houston, TX USA and May 11 – 29, 2011 in the Czech Republic.

All actors should bring a photo and resume and present one memorized Shakespeare monologue, performed in English, not exceeding 2 minutes. Actors should be prepared to stay immediately following their audition in the event

they are called back for Rehearsals for the production will begin March 7, 2011 in Houston, TX. This project is an international collaboration between the Prague Shakespeare Festival, located in Prague, Czech Republic and the

Classical Theatre Company, located in Houston, TX.

Callback sides from As You Like It and King Lear will be provided for all actors who are called back. All auditions will be videotaped. Actors who have previously worked with PSF or Guy Roberts and who are interested in

casting opportunities may contact Guy Roberts directly, bypassing the general audition and schedule a callback. All others must come to the general audition and then be invited to callbacks.

All artists selected for participation in the production will be paid minimum of 4.000cz per week for a total of ten weeks of work (40.000cz). Individual artists may be offered higher weekly salary commiserate with experience and scope of work performed. All housing and transportation expenses to Houston, TX will be paid for by the producers.

All actors will be seen on a first-come, first-serve basis. Designers and Stage Managers may also come to the open call to submit resumes and portfolios. Designers and Stage Managers must submit a portfolio and/or resume that can be taken to Houston for consideration by the producers.

All actors, directors, designers and stage managers who work with PSF are members of the PSF seasonal artistic company. The seasonal artistic company, under the guidance of the Artistic Director, work constantly together to

explore a cohesive classical style. The Festival provides an ensemble atmosphere for extended theatrical exploration wherein company members work as a group to develop skills and to perfect their craft through the continuity of several productions and ongoing training workshops. The quality of commitment demanded of the company members fosters a cohesiveness and intensity of approach to the Festival’s classical repertoire. In addition to performing, training and educational activities all company members work behind-the-scenes and assist in the day-to-day administration of PSF.

Visit the Prague Shakespeare Festival website for more information about the company.