There are a number of casting resources and agencies which get actors work in Prague and the Czech Republic. Below is just a partial list of some of the ones I use the most frequently.
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Casting resources for Prague
Casting agencies:Myrnyx Tyrnyx (at Ujezd tram stop)Vivid Casting (around the corner from our studio)Stop Casting (Karlinske namesti)JAM Casting (Narodni Trida)Simon Says Casting (near Vyton/Vysehrad at the river)Nancy Bishop Casting (Kolowrat Palac)Any of these agencies are personal friends of mine and telling them that you study with me will mean something.For Czech films you should register/contact:or check out the whole list at (there is contact info for everyone there) ALSO:register/contact the Prague Film School and FAMU International to be included in student films. -
No Acting Class Monday 3.3.14 and Tuesday 4.3.14
Hi everyone,
I am ill, so I need to cancel class for tonight and tomorrow morning. I am hoping that classes will resume as usual on Wednesday 5.3.14. Thanks!
Play the Long Game
Casting agencies Recently I’ve been listening to the SpotlightUK series of podcasts. They feature short interviews with casting directors, agents and other industry professionals about the business, mostly centered around the London scene. While most of the information is really excellent for those just getting out of drama school, there are some real reinforcements there in terms of keeping your head on straight in a world that doesn’t seem to have any sense to it.
I’ve mostly been taking away the sense of what a marathon it is. Going in for an audition, it is about getting that specific job, sure. But more than that, it is about building a relationship with the casting director. By showing up prepared, with strong choices, strong opinions, being on time, courteous to EVERYONE in the office no matter who they are or how they treat you, you send a clear message to the casting office. The message is: “I am not an asshole. I will not embarrass you. I will not be a pain in the ass to work with. You can call me for role after role after role.” By doing that, you are playing the long game. Whether you get any particular role or not, who can say. There are so many factors as to why a certain actor gets a certain role (many if not not most of which are out of their control) that it’s almost pointless to stress over not getting a role. The important aspect of the long game is that the casting director will want to call you back and keep searching for the role that is right for you. They will be your ally in this war instead of your enemy. And believe me, you don’t need more reasons to fail, especially when the casting office is so influential in being able to get the job in the first place!
Play the long game. Build the relationship. As they say in the podcast over and over: You are not just auditioning for this particular job. You’re auditioning for your whole career with this casting office. Don’t mess it up!
Very Interesting Listening
I listen to podcasts quite a bit. And one of the more interesting interviews I’ve heard recently was comedian Jay Mohr interviewing his manager Barry Katz. Katz has some pretty amazing things to say about what it’s like to make it in the business and has some great advice for people who are starting out. A really great listen!
Go here:Â and scroll down to #138 (I couldn’t find the link directly to the episode).
New Classes for the Fall 2012!
We are reinvigorating the Acting Studio! If you are a returning student, you can participate in the 4 day intensive scene workshops that are scheduled every month. If you are looking more for career tips, then check out our new acting modules. These modules are augmenting the regular classes from the Playhouse and focus on areas of the business of acting that are so important to actually getting the work!
Wonderful talk on Vulnerability
Brene Brown talks about how vulnerability and showing weakness leads to balance and ultimately happiness. Absolutely spot on for what we are working towards in the class! A MUST WATCH!
New look to!
We have been hard at work on the new look to the web pages. What do you think? The content of the classes hasn’t changed that much, but we are working on a new and exciting curriculum for next September. And if you’re interested in taking the Intensive Summer Course, then you should sign up now!
Auditions for the new Prague-Playhouse-Production “A Christmas Carol†on the 18th of September
If you are interested in the combination of singing and acting, please come to the auditions for the Prague Playhouse’s upcoming production of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carolâ€. The show will go up mid-November and play until the end of that month. Rehearsals will start at the beginning of October.
Auditions will be on Sunday 18.9. between 14:00 and 16:30 hrs. (2 to 4:30 pm) at the Prague Playhouse Acting Studio, Frantiska Krizka 1, 3rd floor in Prague 7. Please prepare a one-minute-monologue and a christmas carol to show your ability to tell a story through the song! To schedule an audition, please text/call Laura on 776 605 227!
We are doing something a little different with this one: We are going to have a small cast of players which will function as something like a Greek chorus: They will sing 19th century christmas carols as mood/commentary on what is going on in the play. When the scenes require it, they will step out of the chorus and act all of the characters in the play (besides Scrooge). It should be fun and challenging ensemble work for actor/singers.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the auditions!
Feedback from the Summer Intensive Course
I would like to thank you that I have the opportunity  to learn this method of acting. In my opinion it has benefits in real life as well.  Sometimes it was demainding but I think it strengthened us. I think it was good that we have Brian at the beginning and Boris taught us the second half. For me this was really great experience. I met new people (I think we had special moments with the others), I obtained new informations about acting  and I learned how to act.  Acting in this way is so amazing! If I knew someone who would like to be an actor, I would certainly recommend your school. I am really glad that in Prague is your school and the chance to learn this method.:) THANK YOU BRIAN:) THANK YOU BORIS:) GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!:)
The Summer Intensive Program was a great time that I spent with awesome people who shared the same interest in acting as me. Two well experienced teachers Brian and Boris, were those who helped me to realize what acting is truly about. They guided me all way long on the exciting “emotional roller-coaster” that I got on the 1st day of the course. Together with my friends we made a little progress every single day and learned the basics of the Meisner Technique, which is a renowned acting method famous for its efficiency around the world. The twelve days were full of emotional freedom, new attitudes and interesting ideas, and I truly recommend it to everyone, who is either serious with acting and wants to learn more, or who just wants to explore this art and have fun. All in all, the Summer Intensive Programme rocks! =)
Completed the intensive summer programe in Prague Playhouse. Such an amazing experience which will be hard to drop. I look forward to continue on this path, since I found it so amazing. Thanks to the fellow actors/friends for helping me. I really enjoyed every day spent with you to the fullest. I also thank Brian Caspe and Boris Tanko Wilke for teaching me and more.You make me smile.You make me smile.You make me smile 😀
Summer PhotoshootLetnà focenÃ
Here are a few pictures from our summer photoshoot. The pictures were taken by Marie Ingold in Letna Studios right next to our studio space.
The people in the images are the student of the evening acting classes.
If you would like to see more pictures see our facebook page.Zde je nÄ›kolik fotografià z naÅ¡eho letnÃho focenÃ. Fotila nás Marie Ingold v prostorách Letna Studios vedle naÅ¡eho naÅ¡eho studia.
Na fotografiÃch uvidÃte studenty z naÅ¡ich veÄernÃch kurzů herectvÃ.
VÃce fotografià uvidÃte na naÅ¡em facebooku.